Full Stack Developer
Senior Sofrware Engineer, Aug-2017 - Present (2 Year and 9 Months)
Senior Member of Technical Staff, Feb-2016 - July-2017 (1 Year and 6 Months)
Owned product that were developed from scratch
Central API Server
The core of Fella Homes. This connects with the database, process the data and serves to every other products of Fellahomes.
Technologies used: Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Sidekiq, Redis
Central Property Management System
Internal dashboard used to manage Owners, Houses, Tenants, Vendors, Warehouse, etc.
Technologies used: AngularJS, Bootstrap
Field Executive App
This app helps on-field executive to connect with the system efficiently.
Technologies used: Ionic
Software Engineer, Jul-2015 - Jan 2016 (7 Months)
Major Products
Order Allocation System
This system auto allocate the orders to executives. It keeps tracks of the free agents and auto assign orders to them using various algorithms(Round Robin, Priority etc.)
Technologies used: Ruby on Rails, Redis, Sidekiq
Gurgaon, Haryana, India
B.Tech in Electrical Engineering, 2015